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How to get more business from your current marketing

Convert More Prospects and Grow!

If you’re running a business, chances are you’re attracting new clients one way or another. Even if you plan on retiring soon, you would probably want to hand over or sell your business in a good shape.

You may be getting new business via word of mouth, referrals, print ads, direct mail, trade shows, PPC ads, Instagram, Pinterest, industry magazines, yard signs – the source doesn’t matter. What’s important is that you’d want to generate more business from your current marketing (who wouldn’t, right?).

You know you have to nurture relationships with your prospects, build trust and authority first, before they become your clients, because no one gets married on the first date.

You’ve also may heard about “8 touches” required to close a deal, or even saw stats that 80% of sales require 5-10 follow up calls or other touch points after the first contact.

  • “Be their #1 choice”
  • “Stay top of mind”
  • “Become the go-to business in your area”
  • “Make them choose you over your competition, because they know and trust you”

Those are all great goals, all of these can be achieved by being in front of your prospects when they’re considering a purchase or in a need of your service.

And the only strategy that works, regardless of how you’re attracting your clients at the moment, is retargeting also known as remarketing.

A problem with traditional retargeting

85% of consumers report that intrusive ads give them a poor opinion of the brand that is being advertised.

SOURCE: HubSpot, Why People Block Ads (And What It Means for Marketers and Advertisers.
Nanigans, The Reality of Retargeting: What Advertisers and Consumers Think in 2018

88% of consumers report seeing retargeting ads for products they already purchased

SOURCE: HubSpot, Why People Block Ads (And What It Means for Marketers and Advertisers.
Nanigans, The Reality of Retargeting: What Advertisers and Consumers Think in 2018

Yes, it is annoying! You’re probably thinking, “there’s no way I’d want to be like that cheesy brand that chases everyone on the internet!” And there’s no need to =)

If you’ve seen retargeting before and you didn’t like it, this is because it was done the wrong way. It was annoying, indeed, irrelevant, and didn’t help you make a right choice. No one wants to get bombarded with pictures of sneakers or a Kitchen Aid mixer after they browsed Amazon for 3 minutes on weekend.

77% of consumers report they often see too many retargeting ads from the same retailer

SOURCE: HubSpot, Why People Block Ads (And What It Means for Marketers and Advertisers.
Nanigans, The Reality of Retargeting: What Advertisers and Consumers Think in 2018

It causes banner blindness, ad fatigue (yes, there’re already such terms in use!), and leads to overall poor brand experience.

The oppourtunity

Although it may seem like you’re constantly being chased by brands on internet, in fact a recent study of 28,593 local businesses, spread out over the top 400 most highly populated cities in the United States, showed that only 9.4% are dropping the Facebook pixel, which allows them to do remarketing and retargeting.

Then we looked further and found out 7% are doing Google and maybe some other platforms (Perfect Audience, Chango, etc.), and just 1% is doing it on more than 2 – 3 platforms.

To clarify, just because they’re dropping that pixel or other tracking code, obviously doesn’t mean that they’re doing retargeting, but only 9.4% even have the ability to do it.

That means, essentially, that 91% of businesses are leaving 10%, 15%, 20% (up to 50% in some cases) of their sales on the table!

Secrets of good remarketing

When done right, remarketing can help you:

  1. Build relationship with your audience
  2. Position your brand and tell your story
  3. Help your prospects and current customers make the right choice and improve their experience

To be in front of your prospects, when they’re making a buying decision, to be helpful and non-disturbing, your campaign should follow the 3 main rules:

1. O M N I Relevant

2. O M N I Channel

3. O M N I Rotation

Let’s look at them one by one.

O M N I Relevant

To put it simple, you must be out there in front of their eyes when they’re considering a purchase or in need of your service, and your message should be relevant to the moment.

People go through different stages when making their buying decision, from the first glimpse of interest, to initial research, comparing providers, offers, deal details, etc.

To be relevant to those stages, you should create multiple “buckets” or audiences that will serve specific needs of each group. Also, consider other preparation steps:

  • Properly Setup Tracking Codes On Your Website
  • Create Your Ads (up to 120-150 individual ads)
  • Build Out Retargeting Campaign(s)
  • Create Your Audiences
    • Day 1-7
    • Day 8-14
    • Day 15-21
    • Day 22-28
    • Day 29-60
    • 61+
    • Long term, seasonal reminders

Then, each audience will be receiving certain type of ads that will be most relevant to them:

We know that prospects who don’t buy from your at the first encounter, normally fit in 1 of 3 buckets:

To address the needs of those 3 groups you must create specific ad types that speak to their true desires and answer the question they have in their mind.

Consider adding 4th type of ad for those who didn’t become your client yet, but still may benefit from your seasonal offers.

O M N I Channel

To be O M N I channel you have to show up on all major platforms that enable you to reach out to your audience.

This could be quite a challenging task, considering different requirement and the overall number of ads that you would have to create, but there’s a HUGE advantage in doing so because you’ll be able to grow your name authority.

Grow Your Authority

By having your name show up on web platforms that carry out authority, your personal brand or your company name gets a portion of that authority too!

Why do you think companies pay big money for sponsorships or purely branding ads (with no offer or call to action). Because they want to be associated with the larger and more valuable brands/events/persons that provide them access to their name via sponsorships or ads.

Back to the number of ads question we mentioned above. There’s a TON of ads that these platforms require, but this effort is worth it!

42 ads just to get started here. And if you multiply this by the number of different ad types (remember, BRANDING, OFFER, REVIEW ads we discussed above), the total number of creative pieces can reach 120-150.

42 x 3 Types of Ads = 126 Total ads

Having that many different ads is not only required, but also help us with the 3rd secret – O M N I Rotation.

O M N I Rotation

Basically, this means changing out banner ads often and control frequency of each individual ad. This helps us keep our campaigns Engaging and Non-Repetative. People expect to see fresh content on internet and in their social feeds. Bombarding them with repetition causes ad fatigue and banner blindness. We want to avoid both.

Controlling frequency of your ads helps not only to avoid these issues, but actually saves your money.

  • Frequency tells you, on average, how many times a user has seen your ads in a selected period.
  • The higher the frequency, the lower your CTR (how many people interacted with your ad among those, who saw it) will be, and the higher your CPC (cost per ad click) will be. Attention goes down. Clicks go down. Cost goes up.

Make sure to cap your frequency and rotate your ad pool with a regular schedule. Instead of pounding someone with one single ad, we take 10, 20, 30 ads and only let each person see it once. By doing this we cut our ad spend to stay in front of someone drastically.

Just to recap:

Secret #1: O M N I Relevant

Do retargeting, showing up repeatedly, use relevant messaging.

Secret #2: O M N I Channel

Show up on every major platform you can. Reach out to more people. Grow your authority.

Secret #3: O M N I Rotation

Change out banner ads often, control frequency, avoid ad fatigue.

What’s next?

We hope you found helpful the strategy and the information that we’ve just shared with you. We’d love to answer any questions you may have after reading this, specific implementation, tech, general marketing, positioning – anything you think you may need help with to benefit from retargeting. And remember, it has to be done the right way! =)

Use any of the contact details in the footer or feel free to book a quick friendly chat with one of our experts to get your questions answered faster.