Made in Sunny California

Fill your classes with paying students

Convert More Prospects and Grow!

What do 200+ schools, certification and training providers we talked to have in common?

Here you go, straight to the point:

  • Their classes are not full
  • Their sales cycle from inquiry to enrollment is too long 
  • Their prospective students don’t see the value in classes or programs they provide
  • Their staff is overloaded with repetitive manual tasks
  • Poor systems limit their ability to respond to every inquiry in a timely manner and provide enough attention to each prospective student

For larger schools, low enrollment rates not only mean they haven’t reached the quota, but it also means that they could run out of funding in the following semester.

Do you struggle to fill every seat in the programs or classes that you run? Many schools, training and certification providers feel the same way.

You see the value of education, and the programs that you provide, but sometimes your target audience doesn’t. That means that there’s a problem somewhere in your marketing strategy or in the way you handle new inquiries.

With Convantage, we can assist you.

We researched over 200 schools and learning facilities across the USA and around the world, and found that many struggle with the same problems. We found that our clients – directors of enrollment, admissions directors, and VPs of admissions – have identified inefficiencies in the way they handle new student inquiries.

Some said that they struggled to increase their enrollment numbers.

Others told my team and me that the process of inquiry-to-paying-student not only is taking too long, but it also has many other negative effects.

As a result, admissions and enrollment staff has too many manual tasks to handle in lack of a more streamlined way to help prospective students make educated decisions about joining their programs.

Other effects were that this enrollment discrepancy was limiting their reach to their target market, and left gaps in school nurturing and educating their prospective students about which classes or programs were available.

Sound familiar? Because of this, Convantage has developed ways in which we can assist.

We provide data-driven business development solutions that shorten the inquiry-to-paying-student cycle. We minimize the workload of staff, increase enrollment rates with effective targeting and marketing strategies, sales and follow up automation.

What Do You Need Help With Immediately?

  • Student recruitment and enrollment management
  • Marketing consulting 
  • Sales process automation

How Can We Help You Right Now?

Please use the link below to schedule a quick “get to know each other” 30 minute phone call.

Schedule a 30-minute Call

We’ll discuss your current situation to understand if we can help, or at least we’ll be able to point you at the right direction.

Looking forward to helping your school thrive!